Historical Background
As Algeria was a French colony, most of the records for Jewish genealogy in Algeria are in French archives.
Sephardic Settlement in Algeria
- 14th Century: Jews from Iberian peninsula settled, fleeing persecution. Living alongside a pre-existing local Jewish community.
- Notable rabbis: Yitzchak ben Sheshet Perfet (Ribash), Shimon ben Zemah Duran (Rashbatz)
- Existing indigenous Jewish communities
Jews in French Algeria (1830-1962)

- French occupation of Algeria in 1830
- Improved situation for Jewish minority
- Adoption of French language, culture, and citizenship
- French collaborationist (Vichy) and Nazi rule (July 1940 – November 1942)
- 140,000 Jews left Algeria after independence in 1962
- Main destinations: France and Israel
Major Jewish Communities in Algeria
- Algiers
- Oran
- Constantine
- Batna
- Biskra
- Annaba
- Blida
- Béjaïa
- Mostaganem
- Tlemcen
Many Jews from Morocco migrated to Algeria, settling in Mascara, Oran and Sidi bel Abbès.
Genealogical Resources for Jews in Algeria
Archives and Libraries
- Archives nationales d’outre-mer (French government)
- Les Archives du Consistoire Central de Paris
- Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People (CAHJP), Jerusalem
- Alliance Israélite Universelle (AIU) collection
Books and Publications
- “Les inscriptions tumulaires des cimetières israélites d’Alger” by Isaac Bloch
- “Le livre d’or des israélites algériens” by M J M Haddey
- “Guidebook for Sephardic and Oriental Genealogical Sources in Israel” by Mathilde A. Tagger and Yitzchak Kerem
- Juifs d’Algerie 1830-1907 : inventaire des archives consistoriales et bibliographie, by Richard Ayoun
Websites and Online Resources
- Morial (Association of Jews from Algeria)
- Zlabia (Website for Algerian Jews)
- JudaicAlgeria
- SephardicGen
- International Jewish Cemetery Project
- National Library of Israel newspaper archives: Bulletin de la Société de Conférences juives d’Alger (1924-1930) and Maguid Micharim (1895-1896)
- Cercle de Généalogie Juive
Specific Resources
- Saint Eugène Jewish cemetery in Algiers. Friends of the cemetery.
- Index of Voter Lists in Constantine (1880)
- Bibliothèque nationale d’Algérie
- GAMT (French ancestry in North African colonies)
- GenAmi (French-Jewish genealogy group)
- Yad Vashem website.
- Claims Conference for victims of the Holocaust
- Association des Israelites d’Oranie en France
- Les Juifs de Constantine
- FamilySearch page on Algeria.
Further Research Needs
- Pre-1962 trade directories
- Post-office address books
- Telephone directories
- Juifs d’Algérie, naturalisation et émancipation video.
Sephardic Genealogist
I am a professional Sephardic genealogist. If you need professional help with your family tree, including for a Portuguese nationality application, you are welcome to get in touch.
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