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This Glossary of Jobs Mentioned in Portuguese Inquisition processos is a start of the work to make Inquisition archives more accessible to the general researcher. It is not yet authoritative.
Portuguese | English |
Abade | Abbot |
Advogado | Lawyer |
Aguadeira | Woman who sells or carries water |
Ajudante de Infantaria | Infantry Adjutant, probably non-commissioned officer |
Albardeiro | Saddler |
Alcaide | Mayor |
Alfaiate | Tailor |
Almocreve | Muleteer |
Almoxarife | Royal warehouse keeper or Overseer of royal property |
Aprendiz | Apprentice |
Armador | Shipowner |
Atafoneiro | Operator of an animal-powered mill |
Azeiteiro | Olive Oil Producer |
Bacharel Canonista | Holder of a degree in Canon Law |
Bacharel em Cânones | Graduate of Theology |
Bacharel em Leis | Bachelor of Law |
Bacharel Legista | Forensic Lawyer |
Barbeiro | Barber |
Barqueiro | Boatman |
Boieiro | Cowboy |
Boticário | Apothecary |
Cabo de Esquadra | Squad Head (military) |
Caçador | Hunter |
Caixeiro | Clerk |
Calceteiro | Paver |
Caldeireiro | Brazier Maker |
Caminheiro | Traveller |
Capelão | Chaplain |
Capitão de Ordenança | Ordinance Captain |
Carcereiro | Jailer |
Carcereiro em Mirandela | Prison guard in Mirandela |
Cardador | Carder |
Carniceiro | Butcher |
Carpinteiro | Carpenter |
Cavaleiro | Knight |
Cerieiro | Candlemaker or Wax worker |
Cesteiro | Basket weaver |
Cirieiro | Unsure. Possibly a Job Connected With Smoothing Surfaces |
Cirurgião | Surgeon |
Clérigo | Cleric |
Colchoeira | Female Mattress Maker |
Comerciante | Merchant |
Comissário do Paço | Manager of the Palace’s Administrative Affairs |
Cónego na Sé de Miranda | Canon in the Sé De Miranda |
Confeiteiro | Confectioner |
Contramestre de Naus | Ship’s Boatswain |
Contratador | Contractor (responsible for negotiating contracts) |
Contratador de Estanho | Tin Contractor |
Contratador e Rendeiro | Contractor and Tenant |
Corrector das Alfândegas | Customs Broker |
Cosedeira | Seamstress |
Costureira | Seamstress |
Cozinheira | Cook |
Criada | Servant |
Criado | Servant |
Cristaleira | Glassware or crystal worker |
Cura | Curate |
Curandeira | Healer |
Curandeiro | Healer |
Curtidor | Tanner |
Cutileiro | Cutler |
Ensamblador | Joiner |
Ermitão | Hermit |
Escrava | Slave |
Escravo | Slave |
Escrevente | Clerk |
Escrivão | Clerk |
Escudeiro | Squire |
Estalajadeira | Innkeeper |
Estalajadeiro | Innkeeper |
Estudante | Student |
Estudante Canonista | Canonist Student |
Estudante Da Quarta Classe | A student who had completed the fourth year of primary education |
Estudante de Canônes | Theology Student |
Estudante de Cânones | Theology Student |
Estudante de Gramática | Grammar Student |
Estudante de Latim | Latin Student |
Estudante de Leis | Law Student |
Estudante de Medicina | Medicine Student |
Estudante Universitário | University Student |
Fabricante de Meias | Sock Manufacturer |
Familiar do Santo Ofício | Informant or agent of the Inquisition |
Ferrador | Farrier |
Ferreiro | Blacksmith |
Fiadeira | Spinner |
Fidalgo | Nobleman |
Forneira | Female baker |
Forneiro | Baker |
Frade | Friar |
Freira | Nun |
Gaiteiro | Bagpiper |
Guarda de Cavalo | Horse Guard |
Guarda do Cárcere | Prison Guard |
Homem de Negócios | Businessman (often a New Christian) |
Homem do Mar | Sailor |
Inquiridor | Investigator (possibly for the Inquision) |
Jornaleiro | Newspaper seller |
Juiz | Judge |
Latoeiro | Coppersmith |
Lavrador | Farmer |
Lavrador de Coral | Coral farmer or Coral worker |
Luveiro | Glover |
Marchante | Marcher |
Mareante | Sailor |
Marinheiro | Sailor |
Marmoteiro | A marmot trapper (for their fur) |
Médico | Doctor |
Meirinho | Bailiff |
Mercador | Merchant |
Mercador | Merchant |
Mercador de Ferro | Iron Merchant |
Mercador de Lenços | Handkerchief seller |
Mercador de Panos | Cloth Merchant |
Mercador de Panos de Lã | Wool Cloth Merchant |
Mercador de Sedas | Silk Merchant |
Merceeiro | Grocer |
Mestre de Meninos | Teacher of young boys (not formally trained) |
Moço de Servir | Serving Boy |
Moleiro | Miller |
Mordomo | Butler |
Músico | Musician |
Negociante | Dealer |
Ourives | Goldsmith |
Ourives de Ouro | Goldsmith |
Ourives de Prata | Silversmith |
Ovelheiro | Shepherd |
Padeira | Baker |
Padre | Priest |
Paneiro | Baker |
Passamaneiro | Maker of decorative trimmings and fringes |
Pasteleira | Pastry cook |
Pastor | Shepherd |
Pedreiro | Bricklayer |
Peneireiro | Falconer |
Pintor | Painter |
Prateiro | Silversmith |
Prebendeiro | Prebend |
Presbítero Secular | Secular Priest (not a member of a religious order). |
Prior | Prior |
Procurador de Causas | Legal Advocate |
Recebedor de Sisas | Tax collector responsible for collecting a specific type of tax known as “sisas.” Sisas were indirect taxes levied on various goods and services, including wine, oil, meat, and textiles. |
Reitor | Rector |
Religiosa Noviça | Religious Novice |
Remendão | Cobbler |
Rendeiro | Tenant |
Requerente dos Contos | Auditor |
Sacerdote | Priest |
Sacristão | Sacristan |
Sapateiro | Cobbler |
Seareiro | Small farmer or Sharecropper |
Seleiro | Saddler |
Sem Ofício | Unemployed |
Serrador | Sawyer |
Serralheiro | Locksmith |
Sineiro | Bell-ringer in a religious institution |
Sirgueiro | Silk Dealer |
Soldado | Soldier |
Solicitador de Causas | An intermediary between clients and lawyers |
Solicitador de Demandas | Possibly someone responsible for filing legal claims |
Sombreireiro | Hatmaker or Hatter |
Subscrevente | Signatory |
Surrador | Leather dresser or Tanner |
Tabelião | Notary |
Taberneiro | Innkeeper |
Tanoeiro | Cooper |
Tecedeira | Weaver |
Tecelão | Weaver |
Tecelão de Mantos | Robe Weaver |
Teçelão de Sedas | Silk Weaver |
Tecelão de Tafetás | Taffeta Weaver |
Tecelão de Veludos | Velvet Weaver |
Tendeira | Stallholder |
Tendeira de Miudezas | Haberdasher |
Tendeiro | Stallholder |
Tenente de Cavalos | Horse Lieutenant |
Tenente de Infantaria | Infantry Lieutenant |
Torcedor | Twister, Presumably of Silk |
Torcedor de Sedas | Silk Twister |
Torneiro | Lathe operator or Woodturner |
Tosador | Clothworker |
Trabalhador | Worker |
Trapeiro | Peddler |
Tratante | Dealer/Trader |
Tratante de Panos | Cloth Trader |
Tratante de Rendas | Lace Trader |
Tratante em Bestas | Horse Trader |
Tratante em Ferro | Iron Trader |
Tratante em Linho | Linen Dealer |
Tratante em Panos de Linho | Linen Cloth Trader |
Veludeiro | Velvet maker |
Vendeira | Saleswoman |
Vendeiro | Salesman |
Vestimenteiro | Clothesmaker or seller |
Vidente | Fortune Teller |
Vigário | Vicar |
Vivia de Esmolas | Lived on alms |
Vivia de Mercancia | Lived through trade or commerce |
Vivia de sua Agência | Lived from his Agency (maybe implying working as a business agent) |
Vivia de sua Fazenda | Lived on his Farm |
Vivia do seu Trabalho | Lived from his work or trade |
Vivia por sua Fazenda | Self-sufficient farmer |
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