Portuguese Last Wills and Testaments

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This is another category of document that Sephardic genealogists have so far barely looked at. For the city of Lisbon, sources are listed below. For other places in Portugal, check the ANTT, the relevant Arquivo Distrital, notarial records, and wherever the local archivists send you.

Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo (ANTT): The ANTT holds a collection of notarial records that includes wills from various localities in Portugal. The wills are organized by locality and notary, and there are several different series that cover the period from 1650-1750. The relevant series for wills from this time period include:

a) Livros de Óbitos e Legados (Books of Deaths and Legacies): These are registers of wills and testaments that were filed with notaries. They contain information on the deceased person, the date and location of the will, the names of the heirs, and the disposition of the estate. The books are organized by notary and locality, and there are multiple series that cover the period from the 17th to the 18th century.

b) Autos de Testamento (Testamentary Proceedings): These are files containing documents related to the settlement of estates and the execution of wills. They typically include the original will or testament, as well as inventories of the deceased person’s assets, statements from witnesses, and other related documents. The files are organized by notary and locality, and there are multiple series that cover the period from the 17th to the 18th century.

Arquivo Distrital de Lisboa (ADL): The ADL holds a collection of notarial records that includes wills from Lisbon and surrounding areas. The wills are organized by notary and locality, and there are several different series that cover the period from 1650-1750. The relevant series for wills from this time period include:

a) Livros de Testamentos (Books of Testaments): These are registers of wills and testaments that were filed with notaries in Lisbon and surrounding areas. They contain information on the deceased person, the date and location of the will, the names of the heirs, and the disposition of the estate. The books are organized by notary and locality, and there are multiple series that cover the period from the 17th to the 18th century.

b) Autos de Testamento (Testamentary Proceedings): These are files containing documents related to the settlement of estates and the execution of wills. They typically include the original will or testament, as well as inventories of the deceased person’s assets, statements from witnesses, and other related documents. The files are organized by notary and locality, and there are multiple series that cover the period from the 17th to the 18th century.

Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino (AHU): The AHU holds a collection of notarial records from Portuguese colonies, including Brazil. Some of these records include wills and testaments that were written by Portuguese citizens living in Brazil during the 17th and 18th centuries.

Arquivo Municipal de Lisboa (AML): The AML holds a collection of municipal records from Lisbon and surrounding areas, including wills and testaments. The wills are organized by notary and locality, and there are several different series that cover the period from the 17th to the 18th century.

Arquivo da Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa (ASCM): The ASCM holds a collection of records from the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa, a charitable organization that provided assistance to the poor and sick in Lisbon. The collection includes wills and testaments that were bequeathed to the organisation by donors during the 17th and 18th centuries.

To search for wills from this time period in the ADL, you can use their online catalog, which allows you to search by keyword, date range, and other criteria.

To search for wills from this time period in the ADL, you can use their online catalog, which allows you to search by keyword, date range, and other criteria.

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Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo (ANTT) in Lisbon