Sephardic Jews in New York: Early Settlement and Community

The first Jews in North America were Sephardic Jewish refugees who fled the Portuguese defeat of the Dutch colony in Brazil. They settled in New Amsterdam, the Dutch colony that later became New York. This marked the origins of Congregation Shearith Israel, the Spanish and Portuguese Jews’ congregation of New York City. Over time, additional Sephardic migrants from the Ottoman Empire, Morocco, and other regions joined the community.

Congregation Shearith Israel

Congregation Shearith Israel is the oldest Jewish congregation in the United States and adheres to the Western Sephardic Jewish tradition.

Historical Archives

  • The historic archives of Congregation Shearith Israel are accessible at the Center for Jewish History.
  • Yivo also holds a selection of records related to the congregation.


The congregation has used four cemeteries:

Videos on Sephardic Jews in New York

  • The First Jewish Citizens of New York: Watch here
  • The Art of the Jewish Family: Watch here
  • Who Owns the Synagogue? Shearith Israel Synagogue in New York and the Touro Synagogue in Rhode Island: Watch here

Historic Site

  • Moses Gomez’s Mill House is recognized as the oldest surviving Jewish dwelling in the United States.

Civil Records

  • New York civil Birth, Death, Marriage & Divorce Records are obtainable from the Department of Health.

Sephardic Genealogist

I am Sephardic genealogist. If you want help researching your Sephardic ancestry, please get in touch.