Below is an incomplete list of groups involved in Sephardic research.
Sephardic Research Groups

The three groups below have a close relationship with each other.
Sephardic Genealogical Society. The Sephardic Genealogical Society hosts the weekly Sephardic World talks. The SGS is leading efforts into making Sephardic archives around the world more accessible to researchers. Full disclosure: I am currently president of this group.
NAJMA is a new French research association focusing on researching Jews from Morocco and Algeria. They do not yet have a website.
Avotaynu DNA Project researches Y-DNA of men of Sephardic ancestry.
General Jewish genealogical societies with an interest in Sephardic research include the Cercle de Généalogie Juive, the Jewish Genealogical Society of Great Britain, and the Israel Genealogy Research Association.
Sephardic Genealogy Researcher
Obviously, I am going to promote myself! Get in touch!
Research for a Portuguese Citizenship Application
If you need a testimonial letter for a Portuguese citizenship application, obviously I am going to recommend Sephardic Citizenship which adheres to the Genealogical Proof Standard and the Code of Conduct of the Sephardic Genealogical Society.
No Crypto-Jewish Research Groups?
I believe that genealogical research must follow the evidence and that we cannot make claims that go beyond what the evidence suggests. If people are researching the possibility of ancestors who were anusim, this can be done within the parameters of mainstream genealogy. I believe the crypto-Judaism movement (not individual researchers following the evidence) to be identitarian and advancing an agenda. While people are free to believe whatever they want, I think the largely Ashkenazi-led crypto-Judaism movement is harmful to Sephardic culture and genealogy. I believe that it risks misleading people and does not constitute legitimate genealogy.