Jews of Lebanon: Guide to Lebanese Jewish History and Genealogy

The Jewish Community of Lebanon: History, Heritage, and Resources

History of Jews in Lebanon

  • Mainly a Mizrahi community, but with Sephardic members
  • Book: Juifs du Liban: D’Abraham à nos jours, histoire d’une communauté disparue by Nagi Gergi Zeïdan
  • Book: The Jews of Lebanon by Kirsten Schulze
  • Jewish population increased after the Suez Canal opening
  • Wadi Abu Jamil was Beirut’s Jewish quarter. I found this Arabic language book online: وادي أبو جميل، قصص عن يهود بيروت ندى عبد الصمد. Please let me know if it is either useful or antisemitic.
  • Economic crisis of 1908 led to emigration, particularly to Rio de Janeiro
  • Community declined after independence from France, from about 20,000 in 1948 to around 7,000 in the 1950s. Further emigration after the 1967 Six Day War. Most of the remaining community escaped after the arrival of the PLO and start of the Lebanese Civil War in 1975-1976. Some of the remaining Jews were kidnapped and murdered by Hezbollah in the 1980s.
  • Video: “Minority report: The Jews of Lebanon” by Nagi Zeidan

Synagogues in Lebanon

  1. Maghen Abraham Synagogue (Beirut) A view of the synagogue before restoration. Video of the synagogue after restoration.
  2. Bhamdoun Synagogue on the Damascus Road from Beirut
  3. Deir el Qamar Synagogue on Mount Lebanon, apparently built for Jewish followers of a Druze autonomous ruler.
  4. Sidon (Saida) Synagogue. Reportedly built in 833CE on the site of an earlier synagogue dating from the time of the Second Temple. Israeli soldiers recovered a Torah scroll from the synagogue during the first Lebanon war. The synagogue is reported to be in a dilapidated state, and used as a home by Syrian refugees.

Lebanese Jewish Cemeteries

Beirut Jewish Cemetery (Cimetière juif de Beyrouth)

    Sidon Jewish Cemetery

    IAJGS page

      Research Resources for Lebanese Jewish Genealogy

      Good luck getting a reply to an enquiry on Jewish genealogy from an archive in an Arab country. One day it will happen.

      There is a Lebanese Genealogical Society الجمعية اللبنانية لعلم الأنساب (Association Libanaise de Genealogie) but I have no details of their activities, or whether they will communicate with Jewish researchers. If you need help with your research, the Cercle de Généalogie Juive in France can probably provide some guidance.

      Archives and Libraries

      Jewish Organizations

      Historical Publications

      Online Resources

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