The Hague

Sephardic Jews of The Hague

Synagogue of the Sephardic Jews of The Hague, Riemer, 1731

The paragraph below is from the description of the Hague published in 1743. I suspect the author is not as cultured as he may wish us to believe. He was probably presented with a prayerbook, as would happen today. I suspect that a lot of the apparently learned digressions into matters of religion in books of this period is simply a way of showing off ones alleged superior intellect and sensibility, just as one might create a blog today.

The author(s) also mentions that Mr. Swartzo [Suasso?] the Jew has the nicest house in the area. Elsewhere we hear that the “opulent and magnificent M. Lopez, a Jew” organised a kind of opera in the city, including foreign artistes. We get the impression that – at the same time that New Christians were being persecuted by the Spanish and Portuguese Inquisitions, some of their relatives in the Hague were living wealthy, sophisticated and integrated lives in the Netherlands.

“The Jewish Synagogue stands here [in New Voorhout, The Hague], which has not been long built, and does not front the Street. It is very neat and fine within, and is well worth being seen by the curious Traveller; which Pleasure he may have every Saturday, the Sabbath of the Jews. One mayunderstand the Worship of the Old Testament, and the Jewish Rites and Antiquities better by seeing a Synagogue, and being present in Time of Worship, than by the tedious dry Study of all the Books in the World: The Method of acquiring Knowledge by the Eye is easy and pleasant. The Jews in their Synagogues are civil enough to Strangers, if they behave with any Degree of Decency: They present them with an Hebrew Bible to read in, and accommodate them in other Respects.”

A Description of Holland: or, The present state of the United Provinces. 1743. Pages 26-27

“There are a great Number of Jews at the Hague, who make a fine Figure, especially the Portuguese Jews. These Gentlemen have the Equipages of Ambassadors, with magnificent Houses and Gardens; and they often make Treats with the utmost Delicacy and Splendor. They are admitted to all Companies, and only differ from the Christians of this Country by being possess’d of much more Wealth, and living at a far greater Expence. I knew one of ‘em whose Name was Duliz [de Lis?], that was very much esteem’d: He was good-natur’d, generous, extremely charitable, and reliev’d all indifferently that were Objects of Compassion, without giving himself the Trouble of enquiring whether the Sharers of his Bounty were Jews of Christians: And to my own knowledge he contributed as freely for the Maintenance of the Church, as if it had been his own Synagogue.”

Karl Ludwig Pöllnitz. The memoirs of Charles-Lewis, baron de Pollnitz. 1737. Page 127-128

The Hague, Jewish Cultural Quarter

Sephardic Jewish Genealogy of The Hague

The Foundation for the Preservation of the Jewish Cemetery of The Hague

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